
sign in是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

sign in

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第三人称单数:signs in  现在分词:signing in  过去式:signed in  



v.1.to write your name on an official list when you arrive at a place2.if you sign in something that you have borrowed, you write your name on an official list to show that you have returned it3.to secure admission of a guest, especially in a members-only club, by putting your signature on a register4.to access a network place, especially a website, by inputting your user name and password1.to write your name on an official list when you arrive at a place2.if you sign in something that you have borrowed, you write your name on an official list to show that you have returned it3.to secure admission of a guest, especially in a members-only club, by putting your signature on a register4.to access a network place, especially a website, by inputting your user name and password

1.签到 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 sign in 签到;签收 sign on 签约受雇用 ...

2.登录 注册 Register 登录 Sign in 最新 New ...

3.登入 WHY? 为何? Sign In 登入 Or 或是 ...

4.注册 sign for 签收 sign in 签到;注册;登记;签收 sign up for 注册,选课;报名参加 ...

5.签收 out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 sign in 签到;签收 sign on 签约受雇用 ...

6.登陆 四、对话[ Conversation] 一、登陆[ Sign in] 二、收件箱[ Inbox] ...

7.签入 Siemen 西门子 sign in / on 签入 Silicon Graphic 矽图 ...

8.登记 stay out 呆在外面 sign in (使)签到,(使)登记 light fires 点火 ...


1.The bank is entrusted to pay the salary of the employee. The company provides the salary payment list of the employee, but does not sign in.员工个人薪资采取委托银行代法,公司提供本人薪资支付清单,不做签收。

2.The system can identify and sign in up to eight people as they step in and out of play.系统最多可以支持八个玩家同时在线,玩家可以分别登录或退出游戏。

3.There was no characteristic clinical sign in small bowel tumors; endoscopy and barium series were the main diagnostic methods.临床症状无特异性,内镜和消化道钡餐是主要诊断手段。

4.The mighty Jupiter's move into your sign in early January, to remain for a year, marks this as a cycle of opportunity.一月初,强大的木星进入你的宫(水瓶座),会停留一年的时间,标志着这是一个机会的循环。

5.Both encrypt the remote connection, but LogMeIn requires you to sign in twice: once to its own service and once to the computer itself.它们都对远端连接进行了加密,但LogMeIn要求用户登录两次:一次登录到它自己的服务器上,一次登录到电脑本身。

6.Advocating editor as scholar, it seems as if it was realistic sign. In fact it denies the work of editors.提倡编辑学者化,表面看有其现实意义,实质是对编辑工作的不认可。

7.She was talking with agitation and intensity as if she had some invisible "keep going" sign in front of her.她说话时一直焦虑不安,就像在她面前有什么不明物驱使着。

8.Please sign in and add your comments below and tell us what you think about the WCF PRO concept.请登录并添加您的评论如下,请告诉我们您想周转基金专业概念。

9.And these badges are very lovely, for instance much A dream, should be in of his birthday sign in just can be obtained that day.而且这些徽章很可爱,比如多啦A梦,要在他生日的那天签到才可获得。

10.No-Smoking: Please notice the No-Smoking sign in the hotel. You are not allowed to smoke in elevators, bed or other non-smoking areas.吸烟:请注意禁烟标志。在电梯及其他禁烟场所、卧床时请勿吸烟。